Set in the influential New York music scene of the early 60s, A Complete Unknown follows 19-year-old Minnesota musician Bob Dylan's (Timothée Chalamet) meteoric rise as a folk singer to concert halls and the top of the charts – his songs and mystique becoming a worldwide sensation – culminating in his ground-breaking electric rock and roll performance at the Newport Folk Festival in 1965.
Our lift is currently out of order due to essential works being carried out to install a new customer lift which means our cinema is only accessible via stairs. Thanks for your understanding.
As part of our work to make Gala Durham as accessible as possible for all, audio description headsets will be offered on every film screening for those who are visually impaired.
Our lift is currently out of order due to essential works being carried out to install a new customer lift which means our cinema is only accessible via stairs. Thanks for your understanding.
As part of our work to make Gala Durham as accessible as possible for all, audio description headsets will be offered on every film screening for those who are visually impaired.
Select time to book tickets
Tue 21 Jan5.00pmTue 21 Jan8.00pmWed 22 Jan4.50pm - SubtitledWed 22 Jan7.45pmThu 23 Jan5.00pmThu 23 Jan8.00pmFri 24 Jan5.00pmFri 24 Jan8.00pmSat 25 Jan11.15amSat 25 Jan1.30pmSat 25 Jan4.30pmSat 25 Jan7.40pmSun 26 Jan2.40pmSun 26 Jan5.20pmSun 26 Jan7.50pmTue 28 Jan5.00pmTue 28 Jan8.00pmWed 29 Jan5.15pmWed 29 Jan7.40pmThu 30 Jan5.00pmThu 30 Jan7.30pm